Diabetes by the Numbers: California

Diabetes is currently one of the ten leading causes of death in California. In 2009, 2,318,000 persons in California were estimated to have diabetes and the disease was estimated to affect the health of 8.3 percent of the adult population. Not only does diabetes cause detriment to the well-being of California’s citizens, but it also puts a tremendous financial burden on the state.

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The Cost of Diabetes

The total cost of diabetes in California exceeds $24.5 billion per year.2

The American Diabetes Association estimates that a third of this cost stems from indirect costs such as lost work productivity, and that two thirds of the cost is a direct result of medical bills.

Complications from Diabetes

$98,706: the average cost of each amputation.3

In 2009, 4,700 non-traumatic lower limb amputations were performed in California due to the effects of diabetes.

Diabetes is the leading cause of non-traumatic lower limb amputation; however, these amputations can be prevented.

Today’s Podiatrist Keeps California Walking

In 2010, nearly 72 percent of Americans revealed foot pain had prevented them from performing their daily activities, and visits to podiatrists have been linked to improved foot health. Research shows yearly visits to a podiatrist by those with diabetes significantly decreases the risk of lower limb amputation. California can benefit economically and medically from encouraging its diabetes patients to visit podiatrists yearly.


1 “California Surveillance Data”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


2 “Combined State Sheets”. Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.


3 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project.


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